The Vet:
A 26 year old Army combat soldier who had recently returned from a tour in Afghanistan and had started attending a local college. Pat is accused of murdering him for his savings and decapitating/dismembering him in order to hide his identity.
Tutor Girl:
A 23 year old student and friend/tutor of The Vet’s. Pat is accused of murdering her in the Vet’s apartment. This was supposedly an attempt to frame The Vet and explain his disappearance.
First off I really enjoy this blog. I have a few questions for the author.
A) Can you please explain more about your friendship with Dan prior to his arrest, and how the friendship bloomed while he was in jail. Just trying to understand the relationship as it is the title of the blog and seems like a unique friendship.
B) Sam’s bank account still had a considerable amount of money left in it. Did that money get successfully transferred to his family?
C) Did the teen making the ATM withdrawals face any charges?
Look forward you hearing your response
Hi Sarah! Thank you for your comment.
A) I hardly knew Daniel at all before his incarceration. We had only just met at the theatre where he was performing in the musical Nine. Really our friendship has grown out of letters, phone calls and visits. I am always very honest with him. He knows that I can’t ever forget what he did. And it’s a strange experience to always have that awarness in the background when you’re laughing with your friend about some line from a Simpsons’ episode.
B) During the trial, Sam’s dad, Steve Herr, brought up that Sam had a shared bank account with his parents. So, I assume that Sam’s money went to his parents.
C) I don’t think Wesley has been charged with anything. He did testify without having any deals in advance, but considering the time that has passed, he’s probably in the clear.
There is something about this case that isn’t right. Daniel knows more than he is letting on.
After sitting through the trial, I couldn’t agree with you more. There is a lot about this case that isn’t right.
This doesn’t mean I think he’s innocent. I know he isn’t. It’s right that he should be behind bars. But Daniel’s confession was filled with lies. I guess that begs the question, “Why would he lie?”
I’m sure many people think everything he tells me is a lie, but I believe him. What he’s shared with me answers a lot of questions that I had during the trial. So, I’m writing a book about it.
Thank you for the comment.
Hi what do you think of this guy? Is he mentally disturbed? Does he come across as a killer? Had he ever committed violence or been in fights before? Has he told you how he’s been treated in prison? Is he tough enough to survive? What is his mental state today?
Also what are his brother and fiancé’s implications? What do you personally believe about that?
Thank you!
A lot of your questions are answered in the blog, but here is a quick overview:
I don’t think he’s mentally disturbed. I think he made a horrible irreversible mistake.
He doesn’t come across as a killer at all.
Never been in a fight. No history of violence.
He’s treated very well by his fellow inmates. He’s extremely popular because he’s nice, helpful, generous and smart. The other inmates appreciate that so much about the OC snitch scandal has come to the surface because of Daniel’s case.
I actually talk about his mental state in the post coming out on Monday.
What is it about Americans who think “all” of Canada pronounce “about” as “aboot?” I have never done this nor has any other person I’ve known. Odd where they come up with these ideas.
I think you can blame the show “How I Met Your Mother.” I actually lived in Canada for a number of years. I was constantly teased for my American pronunciation of “about.”
Now back to our regularly scheduled blog. :)
we don’t think we do, but we do
Who is Pat? The murderer’s name is Daniel….
Hello, and thank you for all of your effort!
Do you know where the makeshift residence Dan and Rachel is in Long Beach, exactly? I know it was in a strip mall near the traffic circle that Los Coyotes Diagonal and Lakewood Blvd connect to. I ask because I am kind of familiar with that area.
I’m sorry if you’ve already answered this question. Again, Thank You!
Hello! Do you still monitor this blog ? How long did Rachel end up serving and where is she now?