Is Daniel Wozniak Leaving San Quentin?

Hi there readers!

I know you haven’t heard from me in a while, but I’m still in regular contact with Daniel Wozniak. We talk on the telephone often, so I get continual updates from Dan about his life on the infamous San Quentin’s Death Row.

The truth is, there hasn’t been much to share with you.

No News is… No News

One day Daniel and I spent half an hour talking about the various possible sandwich combinations one could create when given three pieces of bread, a decent sized tube of peanut butter, a decent sized tube of jelly, and a banana.

His personal favorite option is: three “stick” (or half) sandwiches with peanut butter, jelly and three slices of banana on each.

Lately, the convicted murderer of Sam Herr and Julie Kibuishi has been living an existence that seems more tedious than terrifying.

But Wait! There’s News

Now, though, there’s a chance the tedium might be reduced.

All condemned inmates recently received a ten page informational packet about a new protocol being introduced to death row this year: CITPP, or, the Condemned Inmate Transfer Pilot Program.

Consequences of Proposition 66

You might remember that in March of 2019, California’s governor, Gavin Newsom, put a freeze on executions. He promised that none would take place while he was in office. But the Governor’s actions didn’t change the law in California, or the fact that the 2016 election saw the passing of  Proposition 66, which was essentially intended to speed up the state’s execution process.

Work for Prisoners, but Not at San Quentin

According to Daniel, there is another lesser known aspect of Prop. 66 that allows condemned inmates to be assigned jobs behind bars. Prison work doesn’t exactly pay well, but it gives a person something to do that’s worthwhile and fills the time.

Death row prisoners don’t have the opportunity to work at San Quentin, where the mainline is a level two security prison, but condemned inmates need to be in at least a level three security prison in order to work. To solve this problem, inmates would need to be moved to other prisons. Enter CITPP.

Placement is voluntary, and Daniel Wozniak is planning to volunteer.

Still on Death Row, Just Not on “Death Row.”

There are a couple stipulations for entering the program.

For one, inmates with disciplinary infractions are disqualified. Some inmates who have been on death row for decades, and don’t know any other life, might not want to leave. Daniel said he wouldn’t be surprised to see inmates deliberately “getting into trouble” to avoid being eligible for the new program.

Two, once an inmate is accepted to the program, he can’t just change his mind and go back to San Quentin any time he wants. That said, technically the inmate is still awaiting a death sentence. If all appeals were denied and an inmate was facing the needle, he’d be moved back to San Quentin for the deed to be done.

I wonder if this change would be upsetting to family and friends of victims. Does the punishment of a death sentence seem less effective if the inmate is no longer segregated and mostly confined to his cell?

Where Will Daniel Wozniak End Up?

There is a good possibility Daniel Wozniak will be moved to a different facility within the year.

There were quite a few location options listed in the CITPP information packet. Even though Daniel might have a preference as to where he’d end up, I don’t know if the inmates really get any say in that decision.

How a Move Might Affect Access to the Truth

It is likely Daniel would end up quite a bit closer to Orange County. That would make visits easier, but if our conversations are recorded, as they were at the Orange County Jail, it also could also limit his ability to be “completely honest” with me regarding the truth behind the murders of Julie Kibuishi and Sam Herr.

At San Quentin, Daniel can speak openly during our visits, and he has told me his story to the best of his recollection.

There is a great deal in Daniel Wozniak’s story that I actually believe, but definitely not all of it. I often still have “questions of clarity” because it is a complicated and convoluted tale. If he’s moved to a prison where he can no longer speak without fear of being recorded, my opportunity to get more of the story from his perspective may be seriously limited.

It’s important to me that I finish this book, because if even ten percent of Daniel’s version of events is true… well, let’s just say it’s scary to think that other people may have gotten away with murder.

11 thoughts on “Is Daniel Wozniak Leaving San Quentin?”

  1. Why would Daniel have a problem with his calls being recorded when he was already sentenced to death? Is this just a showboat for the case against the OC Sheriffs and DA that his attorney started? Funny how his version of things changes as soon as he knows someone is listening, like you for example. Yes there is some belief that Rachel or someone else maybe coerced Daniel into killing them, but he definitely did it. So saying “other people are getting away with murder” is just spoiling the pond with the belief that Daniel deserves any remorse. It’s cold blooded to shoot someone (in this case, 2 people) in the head, decapitate them, spread their body parts around, and then stage a sexual assault. I respect the fact that you’re a writer/blogger and want to write a book about the minds of a murderer, but Daniel deserves what he got. Whether it was his idea or not, those involved in executing the plan are twisted sociopaths, and that includes Daniel. He deserves to live the rest of his life right where he’s at. Maybe others should have joined him, I can get behind that.

    1. Hi. The wedding tressel is in the front yard at 16020 Walnut Street Los alamitos ca at Kristine Deboer aka Kris manker house. Apparently Kristine Deboer told Rachel who told Daniel Wozniak to put body parts at eldorado park since he didn’t incinerate them. Drive by take a picture. Not of my kids. Rachel cousins. Kristine told my kids now not to talk to me after I text my daughter Jessica to go to long Beach fbi and tell them all she knows. There are four dead people around Kristine and Dawn southern sasse. Four. Including Sam herr which is why I asked to talk to Steve herr.

  2. Hello there. I read that you have a copy of the “Unholy Trinity” lock up episode featuring Jason russell Richsrdson. As we know this has been deleted and is unreachable by any posted link. In December 2019 Jason & I married inside San Quentin. I would cherish a copy of the episode dearly.

    1. Hello Emi,

      First – Congratulations to both you and Jason!
      Second – Sadly, I don’t have a copy of the show. I did have it on my Tivo from years ago, but that DVR died. After that, I was only able to watch it online. Like you, all the links I’ve found to the show have been taken down for copywrite reasons. It looks like you can watch it now only if you have Direct TV.

      I’m sorry about that. If I come across the episode, I promise to let you know.

      Glen :)

  3. “because if even ten percent of Daniel’s version of events is true… well, let’s just say it’s scary to think that other people may have gotten away with murder.”

    I’m flabbergasted that after all this time of writing and knowing what you know, that you would even consider this pile of horsesh*t that Dan is throwing at you for one second as anything other than pure fantasy. He’s using you to sow a tiny bit of doubt and give him an iota of a chance at appeal in the future, especially if this ridiculous angle appears in your book. So much for his newfound “Christianity.” He’s still lying to you and using you. Pretty cringey statement. If I were a publisher and read that I would immediately cancel your contract. You may also want to take a minute and step back and try to analyze why you’re so easily duped.

    1. Actually I think for good reasons Glen is a very real part of it all and her blog is done to help Daniel. He will probably with Tim and others be perhaps prosecuted under the rico statue. The lies inserted into the prosecution of the case can of course be used in auto appeal to bounce him he apparently planned with help. Does Glen acts to ensure perhaps her possible pals freedom she perhaps thinks. I don’t think that would work out. Perhaps the name of the blog is accurate in a sense of murderer musings as a friend of daniel? Rachel not involved according to experts reviews. So why is this blog so meaningful to Glendelle?

      1. Hi J,
        I hope this doesn’t sound callous, but it has never been my goal to help Daniel get out of prison. I do, however, think he might one day be free after serving an extensive amount of time behind bars. Daniel believes he deserves an appropriate punishment for the crimes he committed, but he shouldn’t have to give his life for his mistakes. I have to agree with him. The supposed motive of money is one of the main reasons Daniel received the death penalty, but my book gives a different, and much less planned, reasons for the murders of Sam Herr and Julie Kibuishi.
        At this point of the process, I’m just motivated by getting the story out to the public and letting readers make their own decisions about whether or not Daniel is telling me the truth.
        Thanks for the comment!

  4. The reason doesn’t matter. He killed two innocent people. Get your head out of the gutter, it’s sick.

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