My Friend’s Name is Daniel

Game changer time.
It’s time to name names.Daniel Patrick Wozniak, for example.

Go ahead, Google it, I’ll wait.
That’s right folks. Bye bye pseudonym!  This blog is about to change.
As I told you in my last post, I’ve been having an “existential crisis” because Pat didn’t know I was writing a blog about our relationship.
And the only way to stop stressing was to just tell him about it.
This made me nervous, but I couldn’t say exactly why. It wasn’t like I was afraid he’d be angry at me.  My concern was that he’d feel I had violated his trust.
It’s probably weird to most people, but Daniel has become a good friend in the past eight months and keeping this from him bothered me.
I hadn’t used his real name, but it wouldn’t take a cyber genius to connect the dots from the description of the crime.
On Friday May 22, I visited him at the Orange County Jail in Santa Ana and I told him.His reaction floored me.

Instead of being upset or even concerned, he seemed amused.
I reassured him that I wasn’t using his name though, so no worries there…
He asked me, “Why not?”
This seemed like a foolish question on his part.
“Umm…I don’t want to write anything that will get you in trouble.”
He laughed.
Yes, OK, that statement is rather ridiculous considering where I’m visiting him.
Basically, he said that there’s already a ton of stuff written about him and most of it’s bad, so go ahead and use his real name.
I’m guessing he thinks what I write will be all good stuff.

3 thoughts on “My Friend’s Name is Daniel”

  1. While all this is very interesting… I mean.. he killed two people very viciously and I honestly don’t care why because there’s no good reason. My dad did shows w him at curtain Call in Tustin and I’ve met him and have no desire to ask him why.. because he killed a veteran dude.. and a girl.. for no damn reason other than greed. I am really fascinated by the story too and go over the shit in my head over and over because so many of my friends were friends w him.. clearly he could have killed any one of them. I just don’t get why u want to be friends w someone like that.

    1. This.

      An amused “why not?” in response to the author divulging this blog to him gave me the *expletive* chills.

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