Rachel Buffett’s August 20, 2018 Court Appearance

A hearing for Daniel Wozniak’s ex-fiancée, Rachel Buffett, took place this morning on August 20th, 2018 at 9:00 AM.

Rachel and her coalition of blonde supporters filled up about three rows of seats on the left side of the spectator seating.

Across the aisle, Sam’s parents, Steve and Raquel Herr, were in attendance as per usual. I don’t think they have ever missed a hearing for Rachel Buffett or Daniel Wozniak. They were soon joined by Julie Kibuishi’s father, Masa. These grieving parents greet each other warmly, and I can’t help thinking how sad it is that this friendship formed from mutual pain and heartbreak.

Honorable Judge Sheila Hanson made quick work of the hearing, where the main goal was merely to clarify that everyone involved is ready to finally go to trial later this week.

Trial Date Set

Thursday, August 24th, 2018 is the scheduled date for the for Rachel’s trial to begin, and it sure appears to be the real deal this time around.

Rachel Buffett has been charged with being an accessory to murder after the fact. She could face up to three years behind bars if found guilty.

Will she testify in her own defense?

I have my fingers crossed so tight; my hands are turning color of my hair.

I’ll keep you updated!

9 thoughts on “Rachel Buffett’s August 20, 2018 Court Appearance”

  1. Thanks for the update! I put this on my calendar so I was thinking about it every once in a while today. Can’t wait for Thursday!

  2. Sorry I left two comments already but I just wanted to add a few things.
    I believe all humans have a dark side but most of us for whatever reason are able to keep those things in check. While reading your blog I’ve come to see Daniel as a person and not a monster. Most times i see him as just a man who did a monsterous thing. While this doesn’t change Daniels culpability, I believe Rachel Buffet had way more involvement in this whole thing. Yet when I start seeing Daniel as just a man and not a monster I have to remind myself of the two innocent victims in this and especially their families and then I truly feel guilty and ashamed.
    I’ve always believed in redemption and I truly hope for Daniels sake he is doing what good he can do with the life he has left. I pray for all parties involved and that includes Daniel.
    It must be exceedingly difficult for you to be his friend, while also knowing the despair and heartbreak that he is responsible for.
    Whether people feel your contact with him is right or wrong, in my opinion he is still deserving of compassion, forgiveness, and friendship. I believe that is truly the only way he can find redemption and make what difference he can.
    My heart truly breaks for the victims and their families and I pray that they find some peace.
    (I was wondering how you deal with both sides of this?)

  3. As much as I don’t enjoy that your blog advocates for Daniel, I have heavily relied on it for updates on Rachel’s trial since I can’t physically be there. I’ve attempted to go a few times but due to OC being so backed up, her trial has been continued hundreds of times over the last 6 years. Curious to see how this one pans out. Julie’s friends just want justice for her and Sam, meaning all pawns that played

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